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Assigned jobs

Find all jobs that have been assigned to you.

Written by Greg Scott
Updated over a week ago

Under Assigned jobs you can find all jobs that have been assigned to you. If you have submitted a candidate to a job it will be automatically assigned to you.

?Pro Tip: If multiple team members from your organization use Gustav and your job list contains a few dozen or hundred jobs it is recommended to assign a job to yourself. This way you have all jobs that are relevant to you in one place.

Please find a detailed overview of the Assigned jobs section below:

  1. Switch your view of Assigned jobs between All Jobs, jobs that have been shared by your Partners and jobs that have been shared through a Community that you belong to. Attention: If you are not part of a Community in Gustav this view will not be visible to you.

  2. Switch your job list between All Jobs and Saved Jobs. You can save a job by clicking on the heart icon on the very right side of the job list.

  3. Filter and sort Assigned jobs by Job title, Location, Job type, Work permit, Category, Company name, End client, Industry, Date posted and Start date.

  4. Click on the Job Title to view a detailed job description.

  5. Share a job with your partners.

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